WP4: Promotion of local landraces and development of new breeding population

Leaders: INRAA and INRAT

Objectives: Promotion of local landraces and construction of prebreeding populations for further varietal creation adapted to niche market

Task 4.1: Experiment of local varieties

Local varieties will be assessed in farms. They will be described in the same way as in task 3.4. Nevertheless, experimental stations specialized in horticultural crops and using recommended high-yielding agricultural management might be also integrated in field trials.

Task 4.2: Construction and multiplication of prebreeding populations

Using set of SNP identified in WP2 and WP3, plants belonging to the different populations will be chosen. Manual cross pollination will be performed per morphotypes and between wild type with cultivated forms by choosing the genotype the most contrasted for their adaptation to different climatic conditions. Seed production of each population generated in task 4.2 will be generated under cages through open populations and seeds will be sent to all partners.

Modification date: 30 January 2023 | Publication date: 31 August 2020 | By: BrasExplor