A cookery e-book

A cookery e-book for promoting landraces of cabbage and turnip

A cookery e-book for promoting landraces of cabbage and turnip, an original deliverable for a scientific project

To end the three-year research project H2020 Prima BRASEXPLOR, the partners, who collected populations all around Mediterranean Basin in order to understand the adaptation of plants to climatic variations, have a new challenge: collecting recipes from local regions for promoting local landraces adapted to each country. An e-book created with the help of Else, packager specialist of cookery books, will provide all these recipes from four countries (Algeria, France, Italy and Slovenia) participating to the project in the different mother languages, using English as a common translator.

For sure, cauliflower will be an ingredient of some French recipes as 10% of the collected landraces are Brassica oleracea botrytis, introduced in France during the XVI century and mainly cultivated in Brittany as well as the coordination of BrasExplor project in IGEPP Le Rheu.

Publication date: 02 November 2023 | By: BrasExplor